True romantic English love Shayari and short story of Touch

Romance love Shayari

Romantic love and sad Shayari

Best love Shayari

Dream that the wings will strengthen.
Make friends so that the world will be yours.

Love Shayari
Fail to admit that the winner will lose.
Make it so that humanity will bow down.
Love Shayari
Make disciples so that the world can be taught.
Love that the world will be loving.
Love Shayari
Make progress so that God and family will be happy.
Cooperate with one another so that your life can be meaningful.

Talking on words
Thinking of you in loneliness makes your breath tired….
Love Shayari

unsolved question of your love
Your unrelenting memory brings answers to your

You come in bad dreams as a story
Weird eyes, these eyes fall asleep…

Have heard that you have millions in the city
You know my dream, you know my dreams…

I sit and write in your city. Some untold things that sing your song.

This is the name on my lips today,
I have so much passion for her love,
What if it wasn’t mine,
For her is a little village built in my heart.

Know what was the matter
In that meeting.
under the

I am done crazy for you
In the first meeting.
Shining moon face
Moonlight turns out at night.

Like Poonam’s moon
You are looking today
Saw your face today
So settled in the heart.
In this moonlight night.

Now how do you message me
That I fell in love.
How to meet you now
In this moonlight night.

Nothing to get,
Nothing to carry,
Will fly one day
Like the colours from the photo,
We are on the spur of time
Sitting like birds.

Keep knocking on the door
Each other’s mind,
Meetings are not right,
Sighs should keep coming.

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